By far this is the best Chinese movie in the list. It tells a story of a bandit posing as a city major in order to gain fortune. At the end, the act becomes a war deal between the bandit and the warlord of the city. Many film critics thought the movie has numerous metaphor. They might be true but I find the movie quite entertaining and in certain scenes it's humorous too. Perhaps the best script from the movie is this: 張麻子:「你說是錢對我重要,還是你對我重要?」 黃四郎:「我」 張麻子:「再想想」 黃四郎:「不會是錢吧」 張麻子:「再想想」 黃四郎:「還是我重要」 張麻子:「你和錢對我都不重要,沒有你,對我很重要」 This is the metaphor between power and money. Perhaps it's a reflection of China's struggle as world power and greatest economy house. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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