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God Takes Away

Abstract from MUNav bible discussion on 23 Oct 05.

This was the third session of the study of wealth management from the biblical perspective. We have examined and acknowledged that God is our provider. Then we studied the parable of tenants (Matt 25:14-30). After seeing that God provides and blesses his people, it is good to check if God will ever take away the blessing.

Lk 12:13-21 elaborates the self-centeredness of the rich man. God had blessed his wealth yet he did not store the rich toward God. Indeed, God does oppose the proud (Js 4:6). Lesson #1: God takes away because we disobey (see Deu 30 for details).

Consider the story of Job in Old Testament. Why he was chosen to suffer all those kind of sufferings? It was mysterious that God allowed this to happen. Indeed, God does test us. However, he will not tempt us beyond what we can bear (1 Cor 10:12-14). The good thing is God will "repay" more than what he has taken (see Deu 30 for details and again Job was blessed more in the end).

Final lesson: sometimes our "disblessing" is meant for the glory of God. Consider the blind man in Jn 9:3-4. Other stories with similar motive: Lazarus and the resurrection of Christ Jesus! The glory of God was revealed through the suffering and disadvantage. Praise be the Lord.


Anonymous said…
The truth is... God cares more about our spiritual growth, than our enjoying of the comforts in this world. That truth, not many can comprehend, or willing to accept. And that truth is obvious in the lives of Job, Paul... Even Jesus CHOSE a simple carpenter's life, even though he can have chosen a much better life during his bried stay here. So do we say someone is blessed when he is rich and succesful? Think again. What values are we following.

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