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Showing posts from March, 2006

Dangers Men Face #11: When Conflict Becomes Sin

Conflict forms part of our daily life. We engage into conflict usually to get our idea or opinion accepted. In other words, we are warring for victory. Unresolved and repeated conflict can be source of our sin. Gal 5:19-21 lists several roots of conflict: discord, dissension, jealousy and factions. As mentioned by the author, conflict is one of the evidences of sinful worldliness. Doesn’t the bible teach us to be at peace with others? Conflict results in war and division. And to the extreme, murder. It also leads to anger, breaks friendships and relationships. After all, conflict hinders spiritual growth and maturity. To get out of conflict, first confess to God. By identifying major conflicts in one’s life, one needs to seek forgiveness and reconciliation. Learn to guard our tongue too – it hurts and causes conflict when it’s not properly utilized.

Dangers Men Face #10: When Sexual Temptation Becomes Sin

Men get tempted everyday and none can escape sexual temptation. Sexual temptation starts in mind indeed. Input from audio and visual engage with our weak flesh. It really depends how we respond that determines the outcome. But God always provides a way out. Principles learned in dealing sexual temptation are daily communion with God as well as commitment for winning the lost. Nevertheless, a deeper relationship and committed accountability serve as check and balance in men’s life. Not to forget a defensive prayer. Proverbs 7:6-27 illustrates a good example on how a man can guard himself from falling into sexual temptations. Self-control is important as we are bearing the image of God. How can we shine if we are not setting a barrier with sexual sins? Persistently guarding our mind - it’s not that easy as it says though. Avoidance is another measure and finally guard what we see, hear and read. We can do all these with God’s help.

From Kampar.....

Category: Life It was Sunday, and we had a friend came down to visit us. Well, apart from that she attended an interview. Wish her all the best.

Farewell to Mr and Mrs Wong....

The Wong couple plans to move back to Miri, Sarawak. We had a farewell dinner with them before Mr Wong left on the following day. This will be the second couple/family who have decided to move back to their homeland.

SPICE club update (Mac '06)

SPICE club will organize know your type clinic. The venue will be in MBS, Rawang. The team had visited the venue to view the facilities available. The place was quite well equipped. Update: The clinic has been put on hold until further notice.

Dangers Men Face #9: The Danger of Sin

Throughout the bible, man after man was succumbed to sin. Sin is perceived to prey its victim unexpectedly. Believers are often plagued with lack of commitment and discouragement of sins. To quote from Jerry White, the key to overcoming these problems resides in the crucified life as summarized in Gal 2:20-21. Our old selves have been crucified. We are no longer under bondage of sin. However, we do keep sinning due to influence of this sinful nature. Note that sin (singular) and sins (plural) bear a different context here. Indeed, we are not slaves to sin. Imagine you are pardoned from punishment of jail (i.e. we are free). Even though you are free, choice of living as slaves is there. Therefore, we need to count ourselves dead to sin, to be completely free from sin bondage. We have the immeasurable grace of God. Our response: serve righteousness – in the Spirit.