Conflict forms part of our daily life. We engage into conflict usually to get our idea or opinion accepted. In other words, we are warring for victory. Unresolved and repeated conflict can be source of our sin. Gal 5:19-21 lists several roots of conflict: discord, dissension, jealousy and factions. As mentioned by the author, conflict is one of the evidences of sinful worldliness. Doesn’t the bible teach us to be at peace with others? Conflict results in war and division. And to the extreme, murder. It also leads to anger, breaks friendships and relationships. After all, conflict hinders spiritual growth and maturity. To get out of conflict, first confess to God. By identifying major conflicts in one’s life, one needs to seek forgiveness and reconciliation. Learn to guard our tongue too – it hurts and causes conflict when it’s not properly utilized.
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