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Dangers Men Face #9: The Danger of Sin

Throughout the bible, man after man was succumbed to sin. Sin is perceived to prey its victim unexpectedly. Believers are often plagued with lack of commitment and discouragement of sins.

To quote from Jerry White, the key to overcoming these problems resides in the crucified life as summarized in Gal 2:20-21. Our old selves have been crucified. We are no longer under bondage of sin. However, we do keep sinning due to influence of this sinful nature. Note that sin (singular) and sins (plural) bear a different context here.

Indeed, we are not slaves to sin. Imagine you are pardoned from punishment of jail (i.e. we are free). Even though you are free, choice of living as slaves is there. Therefore, we need to count ourselves dead to sin, to be completely free from sin bondage. We have the immeasurable grace of God. Our response: serve righteousness – in the Spirit.


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