We were grateful to have Dr Jerry White in town to share some insight on the topic commitment and the lordship of Christ. Dr White is the ex-president of The Navigators.
The pillar of our commitment: “Jesus is Lord”. Every believer shall confess Jesus as Lord (Phil 2:10-11). Do you (and us) commit to the lordship of Christ in mind, hear and will? It’s a decision (mind); a response (heart); an act (will).
Is it easy to commit? From our mind, it is the seat of knowledge – knowledge of God (Matt 22:37, Rom 14:5, 1 Pet 1:13). The first step is getting to know (input?).
What next if we have the knowledge? The heart – the seat of our emotion and desires. From the mind, comes down to the heart where the desire begins. Having desire is sufficient?
Why not acts it out? The will – the seat of action and decisions. Doing the will of God from the heart (Eph 6:6).
The mind needs the Word of God to nurture it in truth.
The heart needs the Spirit of God to guide its affections.
The will needs the Lordship of Christ to lead to loving obedience.
- to understand with the mind (Luke 14:235-33)
- to open out heart to Christ as Lord
- by an act of the will we commit ourselves fully to Christ