There was a rally in The Nav office on previous Sunday. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the intended speaker couldn't make it. Instead, four speakers were invited to share their ministry event through story telling. 1) Brethren from Indonesia had a different approach to share their ministry story. Story telling in Bahasa Indonesia. As Indonesia has the highest number of muslims, evangelism is not easy. A doctor was committed to evangelize to the lost in one of the island. To get to that island, he planned to apply for service doctor post there. God is willful and the existing doctor in that island decided to move out. Everything seems so smooth. The young doctor application was granted though. It happened one day a patient passed away. The villagers accused the young doctor of causing the death. Nevertheless, God is in control. He was set free from the accusation. In return, the young doctor helped to cure most of the villagers life. The villagers were amazed and attracte...