There was a rally in The Nav office on previous Sunday. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the intended speaker couldn't make it. Instead, four speakers were invited to share their ministry event through story telling.
1) Brethren from Indonesia had a different approach to share their ministry story. Story telling in Bahasa Indonesia. As Indonesia has the highest number of muslims, evangelism is not easy. A doctor was committed to evangelize to the lost in one of the island. To get to that island, he planned to apply for service doctor post there. God is willful and the existing doctor in that island decided to move out. Everything seems so smooth. The young doctor application was granted though.
It happened one day a patient passed away. The villagers accused the young doctor of causing the death. Nevertheless, God is in control. He was set free from the accusation. In return, the young doctor helped to cure most of the villagers life. The villagers were amazed and attracted to this doctor's character. At the end, more people trusted him and turn to the gospel.
It happened one day a patient passed away. The villagers accused the young doctor of causing the death. Nevertheless, God is in control. He was set free from the accusation. In return, the young doctor helped to cure most of the villagers life. The villagers were amazed and attracted to this doctor's character. At the end, more people trusted him and turn to the gospel.
2) The workers in the Philippines were wondering why more and more students come to their home for free meal.Yes, these workers provide free meal to students while building friendship with them. After so long, they thought they should have help the students' family to obtain some income for living. They are still praying for the idea and project. Probably to help in developing small business.
3) A missionary to Nepal discovered how friendship and family relationship can advance the gospel. One of the contact worked in US and was exposed to the gospel. Upon returning to his homeland, he was challenged and ultimately embraced the faith. He then shared his faith to another friend. Knowing that Hinduism and Buddhism is strong in that country, he never denounce his status. He's a Hindu but embracing christianity.
4) Anyone knows how poor is poor? Not until you see with your own eyes in Bangladesh. Cited from the World Bank report, many of us are in the top 50% (think should be this figure) richest people in the world. How can the gospel move among these poor people if none of the missionary involves in their life. This is the challenge.