Kecak and Fire dance is a tale dance of the story of Ramayana and Sita. Throughout the performance, the performers will chant and sing in rhythmic. This was very interesting and it could be the best dances of the island. Note that all the performers are men except the few dancers.
The story started with Sita encountering a golden deer. She pleaded Rama to catch the deer for her. Rama then left her with his brother, Laksamana. Shortly after Rama’s departure, there was a loud scream. Fearful to his husband safety, Sita sent Laksamana to investigate.
Rhawana appeared before Sita and attempted to seize her. However, Sita was protected by a magic cycle. Rhawana disappeared and came back in disguised as a poor man seeking shelter. Sita fell to his trick and was kidnapped.
Knowing Sita was kidnapped, Rama seek help from Sugriwa the red monkey king. The kind summoned Hanuman, a white monkey to deliver Rama’s ring to Sita as a token of his love.
Then Hanuman located Sita and showed the ring and told of her husband impending rescue attempt. He then attempted to destroy Rhawana’s palace but was caught by the giants who later burned him to death. Hanuman escaped.
Rama with the monkey armies battled with the giants and the duel of Rama and Rhwana resulted the victory of Rama. Finally, he was united with Sita.