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Showing posts from November, 2009

Journey to Mount Bromo (Part 1 of 3)

From Gunung Penanjakan, we descended and drove across the Sea of Sand. It's a vast area of sand, nothing but the sand (and some pebbles). From the drop point, where all the jeeps stop, we walked to the volcano. Alternatively, one can hire a horse ride. The fees decreases as you ascend higher. So bargain hard to get a good price. There's a Hindu temple at the mountain base. Not a major attraction though.

Organization's rules, beliefs

The world's largest rubber glove manufacturer has this business rules: (i) Do not lose your shareholders' money (ii) Do not lose your health (iii) Do not lose your temper (iv) Do not lose your customer Talking about fruitfulness, stewardship and control. The first rule is what all investors looking for when investing. Spiritually, who is our shareholder? The creator? fruitful and increase in number... (Gen 1:28). When the time of assessment come, those who are fruitful will be rewarded (Matt 25:29) . Likewise, if the organization does not perform well, investors will withdraw the fund. Any organization, in order to survive and achieve success, must have a sound set of beliefs on which it premises all its policies and actions. Next, the most important single factor in corporate success is faithful adherence to those beliefs (quoted by Thomas J. Watson).

Six Frames for Thinking about Information

This 90-minute-book gives the idea of how to direct your attention to any information rather than being directed to it. After all, information will lead you to perception. So the way we perceive information is all-important. You begin to assess the piece of information by looking through each frame. The triangle frame: Purpose - what is the purpose of looking at the information? Are you just filling up time or researching for data? The circle frame: Accuracy - look directly into the fundamental accuracy of the information. Apply doubt and comparative accuracy. After all, not all information is accurate or fact based. The square frame: Point of view - is there a different way of looking at the data? By looking the information from different point of view, you get unbiased view of information. The heart frame: Interest - direct your attention to matters of interest, be it general or specific interest. The diamond frame: Value - what has been the value of the information? It's...

Addicted to .....

At some point, we check our facebook or twitter at regular basis. Some at defined interval time. Some even click the refresh button in their mailbox every second. Are we addicted? Sometimes, when activities are meeting some need other than those they are intended to meet, you can become attached or addicted to that behavior. You develop a need for it to perform some function that regulates how you feel ... If you cannot be away from e-mail for some period of time to do something vital in life, like connect with your loved ones or take a walk or play golf, then something is wrong. If you cannot go to a social dinner without checking e-mail or responding to someone, something is wrong. If you can't go on vacation without constantly checking in, are you really on vacation? What about at home when you are supposed to be having downtime? Dr Henry Cloud What does the Scriptures say? They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity— for a man is a slave to whatever...

My dad is better than your dad

This was a reality show in US TV some time ago (the show was only managed to be aired for 1 season though). There are 4 teams in each episode. Each team consists of pair of father and son/daughter. Of course they will need to compete with each other teams. So the kids will brag that his/her dad is better than the others. There's nothing wrong with this. Just that the kids need to be vocal enough, highly confident and at some point give a great expectation to their dads. Well, in each hurdles, they will portrait a teamwork spirit between father and kid, which is crucial in the family institution. And the mother and family members will support from the audience seats. Such a great combination of family unity. What if the team lose? They will forgive each other and continue to support each other. Maybe it's just an act. But you can see the relationship is there. Let's ask this question: how many dad-kid relationship exists in Asia family by means of rebuking and loving each ot...

Non-verbal communication

Some of the non-verbal communication types: - pictures - company logos - gestures and body language - how long someone keeps a visitor waiting (try this in government office) - use of space (Why do people put outdated magazines at waiting room? Why there's mirror at lift?) The last two actually hint us that the organization has tight schedule that they have no choice but to let you wait. While waiting, you can read some materials or tidy up your dress and makeup. Or perhaps they are ego.

The war is another way

Yet another brilliant film by Quentin Tarantino. Kill Bill was good so as this. As a director cum writer, he gets to present the alternative ending of the WWII in Europe. All lead political Nazi are assassinated. That's how the war end from the fictional point of view. Though it may lack of depth, the plot is entertaining. Like his previous works, expect some blood gushing scenes (of course this didn't make it through our censorship).


If there's something wrong, what should we do? From ISO9001:2008 point of view, you need to correct the situation. First, you need corrections. Corrections are immediate actions. Some say it containment actions. Say you have toothache. Your correction will be to extract the tooth (could be painful). After you have taken the immediate action, so what's next? Don't you think you need to avoid the same thing from happening in future? Therefore, you need to take corrective action. An action which is taken in order to prevent recurrence. Having extracted the tooth earlier, what kind of action you need to take to prevent the next tooth or teethache. You extract all your teeth. No, that's too extreme. Probably a checkup to make sure no more cavity or hole in any teeth. If yes, maybe a filling will do. (Note: This is of course assuming the root cause is due to tooth cavity) OK, you have ensure all of your teeth are in good condition. What's next? Don't you think you n...