You begin to assess the piece of information by looking through each frame.
The triangle frame: Purpose - what is the purpose of looking at the information? Are you just filling up time or researching for data?
The circle frame: Accuracy - look directly into the fundamental accuracy of the information. Apply doubt and comparative accuracy. After all, not all information is accurate or fact based.
The square frame: Point of view - is there a different way of looking at the data? By looking the information from different point of view, you get unbiased view of information.
The heart frame: Interest - direct your attention to matters of interest, be it general or specific interest.
The diamond frame: Value - what has been the value of the information? It's all about clarification of values through direct attention. There are six types of value though.
The slab frame: Outcome - represents a platform on which something is to be presented or exhibited i.e. conclusion.
So I applied the six frames method unto this book. Its content has served the purpose of providing the guideline on attending information. It seems accurate from the theoretical point of view. What interest me was the six value medals (there's another book of it). Overall, the six frames method is useful and valuable in getting the right information or data. And I thought I've overpaid this book.