Have not been writing for quite some time. Was busy with the new job. At last, everything almost completed. Some of the things need to be done intentionally, like watching a movie. I think I only watched 2 movies this year. The previous one was X-Men: Days of Future Past. That was a good movie. Anyway, I was expecting Interstellar since mid of the year. The movie was quite fresh. The feeling it's like when you watched Inception for the first time. Talking about science, they did it pretty much brilliantly. More attention was paid on the accuracy of the physics. Unfortunately, I still couldn't buy the idea when the "future" sent a message to the "past" and it was happening at the same time. Perhaps my understanding on time relativity is not deep enough. Gonna read Hawking's book then. In my opinion, the movie was trying to convey a question to us - whether should we focus on the advancement of science or human survival. And both works side by side as portrayed in the movie. What make this movie so real was the absence of sound; there was no sound depicted in space. The soundtrack was great too.
Update 24 Jan 16: Re-watched, it does make sense. Time dilation.