As we evaluated God’s promises, the book of Isaiah shed some insight and thought. We first studied Isa 40. The passage serves as a reminder who God is and who we are (our creation and crave for the most high). We ought to be humble as God controls everything.
A quick look into Isa 42-43 with cross-reference to Eph 1-2 give a bigger picture of God’s purpose for us. We are predestined (Eph 1:5) to be God’s witness and perform ‘good works’ (Eph 2:10). Similarly, God is at work as he prepares ‘delivery’ for his people. And He is doing ‘new things’ (Eph 43:19) as promised (Eph 42:9). What is ‘good works’? An agreeable statement by John Stott: expenditure of energy which brings self-fulfillment, benefit to the community and glory to God.