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Retreat......share of thought (part 2 of 2)

The book of Nehemiah recorded the account how Nehemiah brought back his people and rebuilt the nation. In Neh 1-2, we were told how Nehemiah received the vision and mission. Surely it should have come from the heart and prayers. With the vision he had, he planned. He recruited his people for the vision and mission. He shared his vision with the people. Coincidently, some of them already had the same vision (Neh 1:11, Neh 2:18). God was at work! Another interesting insight is why Nehemiah requested materials for rebuilding the wall and not labor force from the king. In the context of MU ministry, we believe God will prepare his people for the campus vision.

Further study on Neh 3-6 revealed the obstacles during the rebuilding of the wall. Attack and threat from enemies as well as internal problem were some of the hindrances. However, it was Nehemiah response that overcome these obstacles. The main principles: be steadfast, stand firm and remain faithful to the calling or mission. Be it in the student ministry or any ministry, these are the underlying principles. Lets examine our heart if we still carry on the calling. Nehemiah also set an example to be moderate and considerate to the poor. Talking about being salt and light to the people.

As we closed with Neh 7-13, we can see that after the completion of the wall, all the people came back. It must have thought that Nehemiah’s ultimate plan was to rebuild the nation. And it went on with the restoration of the word of God in people’s heart. As we think back on MU ministry, surely we need to rebuild the wall. Surely the word of God need to be restored in people’s heart. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray to Lord, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.


Anonymous said…
How do we deal with low morale and labourers fatique, after seeing years of unfruitfulness in UM campus?
Anonymous said…
Ya, it's a very relevant question for UM ministry. Is the unfruitfulness due to our sin? or it's God who do not make things done? Organising retreat and sharing do not really solve the problem as it is our personal conviction and commitment to God.
Anonymous said…
However, retreat, sharing, prayer, bible discussion (especially in small group) do help us to see clearer what God's plan is.

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