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Showing posts from January, 2006

Dangers Men Face #7: Loss of Confidence

Personal confidence is mystery (as quoted in the book). We agreed that confidence is self-reliance which give us positive feeling for resolving life's problem or ego. Self confidence is shaped from childhood, particularly from the influence and encouragement of our parents. Consequently, our personality is matured and has built up our confidence level. Other contributing factors are competence, education background and experience. No matter what the source of confidence, it all depends on the flesh. When we loss confidence, where should we go if not back to our Father. Disappointment will come if we focus on our own achievements and abilities. Is not God give us all these? To quote from the author, we regain confidence by putting our confidence in God. He wants to root our confidence in His love and grace.

SPICE club update (Jan '06)

The first module of English class will end on this Monday. The team planned to have module 2 very soon. Hopefully can fit in the Alpha course as well. Before module 2 commences, there will be a toastmaster session. Talking about public speaking. Should be fun. The SPICE club planned to have a retreat (or camp) in early March. The theme is still in finalizing stage. There will be MBTI program and perhaps team building event. Hopefully our target students will respond to the events.

Trip 01-06: Laos

I gave this code name for my upcoming trip in May '06. The plan is firmed. Dr Mic and I will go to Laos (via Thailand). Had secured flight to Bangkok, Udon Thani and back to Malaysia (KL and KK). We will leave for Bangkok on 6 May 06. Then connect an afternoon flight to Udon Thani on the same day. The rough plan is to cross over to Vientiane, Laos the next day. Then we will travel along to Luang Prabang and come back via Houay Xai. From there, we will cross over to Thailand and proceed to Chiang Mai. Not sure if we will spend a day or so in Chiang Rai. Need to do more reading and survey before the trip. Important: hopefully can get leaves on that week. :)

The days without car....

My car was admitted to emergency ward last week. Was "car-less" for the whole week. Had a major surgery on the chasis. Got one of her arms replaced. What happened to her? Well, she had an accident last year (i think somewhere in March '05). Apparently, the workshop guy didn't do a good job. Now new problem resurfaced. The surgery cost me a walloping 750 bucks. There goes my bonus. sob...sob....

Dangers Men Faces #6: Loss of Identity

We discovered that identity and position are somehow related. When you have position, your identity is there. However, you still have your identity even if you don't have the position. We usually address ourselves the phrase "I am a ......" Yup, you are what you are. Those temporary identities have been embedded into our life. Even the bible referred the people with certain identity. As the worldly identity is temporary, we will eventually loss it. One day we will said we used to be somebody. But our identity in Christ Jesus should be permanent. And this is a great gain. Lets build and grow our identity as children of God, ambassador, the chosen people. For this will not be taken away. And it is important for each of us.

61 Spring Cleaning

On 10 Jan, the 61 members had spring cleaning for the house. It was a yearly event. Although no drastic changes in terms of design and arrangement, at least the area was cleaned. Here's the snapshots before and after cleaning.

Dangers Men Face #5: Loss of Influence

We had one of the 61 members joined the discussion. He's not a believer though. We started off with types of influence. Indeed influence is pervasive and multifaceted. Our personhood as who we are promote influence. People exert their influence thru their wisdom and counsel, performance, position, knowledge, power and wealth. What will be the consequence of having these influences loss? People will not come to us at least. Not to mention we are not heard. We examine the influence of our previous PM. As we know, his advice in recent issues was not taken seriously. Simply because he's no longer in power. Nevertheless, the most valuable influence is the influence of person. There's a saying life changing life. This is reflected in Heb 13:7. As influence is temporary (and somehow is vulnerable), use it as a gift from God to bring benefit to others and glorify Him.

Looking Ahead....

Personal reflection for year 2005: - completed my master work (had submitted the final draft of dissertation report before Xmas '05). Expecting to graduate this year (?). Have intention to further study again..... - had been having quality time with God every week (I would say it's 80% attendance rate). The second half of the year was reading the book of Psalm (expect to complete Jan'06). - had a good input from bible study (the study of "work"). Now pursuing Danger of Loss. - acquire property for future home (can't wait to see the project completed). - got some knowledge and skills from my previous career. Now start new career with new portfolio. Hopefully my contribution will bring satisfaction, benefit to community and glorify God. - some old friends had left for career advancement. Making new friends (hope to see there's gospel advancement). - had two wonderful trips (Bario and Vietnam). Looking forward for new trip this year. - some friends tied up ...

New Year 2006

Well, another new year. For those city folks, there were fireworks everywhere at 12 midnight of the new year. Well, I didn't join those party countdown. Was spending time with friends though. The guys had a small bbq party on 1 Jan 06. Many turned up. We had a great time. That night was raining though. But it didn't stop us to start the fire.