Personal reflection for year 2005:
- completed my master work (had submitted the final draft of dissertation report before Xmas '05). Expecting to graduate this year (?). Have intention to further study again.....
- had been having quality time with God every week (I would say it's 80% attendance rate). The second half of the year was reading the book of Psalm (expect to complete Jan'06).
- had a good input from bible study (the study of "work"). Now pursuing Danger of Loss.
- acquire property for future home (can't wait to see the project completed).
- got some knowledge and skills from my previous career. Now start new career with new portfolio. Hopefully my contribution will bring satisfaction, benefit to community and glorify God.
- some old friends had left for career advancement. Making new friends (hope to see there's gospel advancement).
- had two wonderful trips (Bario and Vietnam). Looking forward for new trip this year.
- some friends tied up the knot. This year could be my turn?
- completed my master work (had submitted the final draft of dissertation report before Xmas '05). Expecting to graduate this year (?). Have intention to further study again.....
- had been having quality time with God every week (I would say it's 80% attendance rate). The second half of the year was reading the book of Psalm (expect to complete Jan'06).
- had a good input from bible study (the study of "work"). Now pursuing Danger of Loss.
- acquire property for future home (can't wait to see the project completed).
- got some knowledge and skills from my previous career. Now start new career with new portfolio. Hopefully my contribution will bring satisfaction, benefit to community and glorify God.
- some old friends had left for career advancement. Making new friends (hope to see there's gospel advancement).
- had two wonderful trips (Bario and Vietnam). Looking forward for new trip this year.
- some friends tied up the knot. This year could be my turn?
Let's make the Loas trip a wonderful one too.