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Had watched this free movie recently in conjunction with French Art Festival. The festival began with a dance performance (titled Babel) in Istana Budaya two weeks ago (the same day I got my Myvi). It was an interesting performance although I did not understand some of the interpretation of the movement.

Back to the movie. This French movie was produced in year 2002. The story is about a young man who started to work with a consultant firm in Paris, where he met his lover (who was a receptionist cum secretary in another firm). His first task was to audit a small factory which would to be taken over by a large corporation. All the employees didn't know the takeover was the main agenda behind the audit.

As he has completed his initial report, his boss was impressed with his work. He was then given additional task whereby he would to assess the capability of the staff in that factory. This was indeed a big challenge for him. He was a soft person, not willing to see some of the staff to be retrenched. His lover didn't like the idea as well. However, with focus on his career, he forced himself to accept the task. In the end, he provided an alternative solution to all the staff. The fate of the staff was unknown though. Retrenchment might in place. On the other hand, the young lover felt that she didn't like that kind of life - lying job. She left him eventually.

This story tells us the economy world and the worth of the workers. No doubt business needs to to be revamped in order to gain a place in the economy world. Workers have become an asset to be sacrificed in order to achieve profitable business. Those who are incapable or redundant will be removed. It does not demonstrate the virtue of Christianity value. In the competitive business world, some willing to sacrifice in order to get a piece of pie of materialism. Others (minority) will be contented with low profile ordinary work. Which one are you?

For the workers are created by God to work for self satisfaction, benefitting to the community and glorifying His name.


Anonymous said…
the young man do not have much choice if he wants to climb up the corporate ladder... ... take it or leave it... ...

yes, this a true cruel world. globalisation will make the thing worser. the weaker will be left out... ...
Anonymous said…
Survival of the fittest ma. Cruel, but... what would u do if u are the boss.

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