To spark off this learning desire, one must overcome the lack of curiosity. Be like the little children who yearn for more input. They ask a lot. Adult also needs this kind of attitude. Don’t let your curiosity freeze.

Stages of Adult Development
Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights (Prov 18:15).
(1) The age of learning (20-30 years) – This is the time where we learn the most as we prepare for life and work. Learning, experiencing, and correction are part of life.
(2) The age of accomplishment (30-40 years) – Mid-life issues begin to emerge though we are clear what we can do. Learning is replaced with the ability to contribute. As life pressure comes, we draw more resources to overcome it.
(3) The age of relearning (40-50 years) – Mid-life crisis hits many men. We feel that we need to go back to relearn. It gives us opportunities for rebuilding the right foundations.
(4) The age of learning and growing OR freezing and dying (50-60 years) – This could be the most critical time of all. Men will make choice either to freeze or grow. Continue to learn will make us grow. If we freeze, we’ll begin to die off. Past lessons can be used for guidance. Growth is moving from the past to the future under God’s leading.
(5) The age of character and influence (60+ years) – This stage comes if men continue to grow and learn. Spiritual growth and personal growth are essentially important.
Humility is the key to spiritual, intellectual and emotional growth. It all starts when we learn from Christ and imitate him. Moving forward, we learn and listen from each other by humbling ourselves. When there’s humility, openness is there.
Freezing in Relationship
Apart from freezing in thinking and growing, men can freeze in relationship. One typical issue is freezing in marriage. Relationship of a couple will reduce to minimal. Not to say there’s no love. There is something missing. A husband might prioritize his work and career while a wife might focus on child rearing etc. Stagnation emerges in relationship. If it is not settled, more big issues on the way. Therefore, couple needs to take time for communication and assessment.