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Of team building and treasure hunt......

Went for department team building event on last week. The event kicked off with treasure hunt around PJ area. There were 12 groups. I was in Group 10. As the teams got their first question to attempt, each of them headed off. My team still in the factory compound strategizing. The plan worked though as we able to overtook some of the teams. The clues lead us to Aman Suria and then Damansara Perdana. Along the way, we managed to solve most of the questions.

As time ticking fast, we decided to speed up and target to leave for Port Dickson by 10.30am. The last point of the treasure hunt was at Taman Tun D.I. Managed to get there by 10.30am. Then we sped off to Port Dickson. We supposed to reach the end point by 12 noon. Otherwise there would penalty imposed. Little did we know, the actual time of arrival was before 1pm.

Our team building venue was in Eagle Ranch Resort, Port Dickson. My team arrived at 12.05pm. We thought we were some what behind the pack as we didn't see other teams along the way. To our surprise, the organizer hadn't reached the resort when we arrived. We were the first team to arrive. Complete with treasures and answers. Indeed we were quite excited. Seeing other teams turned up one by one. However, the winner yet to be announced. Points would be given to correct answers and treasures.

The event continued with team cheer. Each team would come out their original team cheer.

Late in the afternoon, we headed to the beach. Teams were consolidated into six teams. The task was to assemble a raft. Then using the raft, the team would sail out to the sea and take back a flag. Unfortunately, my team got the last place.

Nite time was horrible. Karaoke event. I must say that the event dragged until midnite with dried up laughter.

The next morning, we had mini Amazing Race. Not quite fun actually. Just did some stupid tasks like collecting leaves, went here and there, solving problems. I still prefer the actual Amazing Race (not the one in TV3 Explorerace).

The last event was great - paintball. Team vs team. The objective was to get a flag from opponent area. Again, my team loss. Some of them got bruise from the paintball shooting. This was the time the good employees took revenge on their bosses. Hehehe.....

Overall, my team got 4th. A box of chocolate to share among the members.

The good news was my treasure hunt team got 2nd place. We almost got 1st. Loss out in the deciding game. We won 2 irons and 2 blenders. I took back the iron although I don't use it. I wish I would have get the first prize -DVD player and cordless phone.

So much for the events. I think I would like to play paintball in the near future.


Anonymous said…
wow, your team building sounds exciting! how about we organise one for our group?!

Anonymous said…
Wa got new iron liao... can start ironing your clothes huh.

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