From the account of the creation, God was focused on preparing a “custom-built” home for mankind. He planted Eden and put the man he had formed there (Gen 2:8). Earth is not only created for human but for all creatures (or living life) as well (Psa 104:5-30). It is therefore, God’s purpose to form the world to be inhabited (Isa 45:18). And he sustains this with his provision (both food and joy) (Act 14:17).
These evidences describe God’s care to us, as one can see our “home” is complete and ever sustaining and providing. Think of the world. No wonder the Scriptures agree that we live by God’s grace.
Imagine you were the first to awake in the newly created world, one cannot deny the feeling of home, a sense of life and abundance. This should be how our home or business feels like when people walk into it. Do you feel at home (or homey) in your work place as well as in your living quarter?
Our growing is influenced and shaped by our environments. Remember how our home shaped us as a child? The world provides the place and the resources we need. Our response and interaction to the surroundings enable us to understand Him more and his creation. This is a very good reason why we should care the world. Maybe that’s why there’s a movement of environmental awareness. We should therefore, be responsible to the environment as it is our only source of life.
These evidences describe God’s care to us, as one can see our “home” is complete and ever sustaining and providing. Think of the world. No wonder the Scriptures agree that we live by God’s grace.
Imagine you were the first to awake in the newly created world, one cannot deny the feeling of home, a sense of life and abundance. This should be how our home or business feels like when people walk into it. Do you feel at home (or homey) in your work place as well as in your living quarter?
Our growing is influenced and shaped by our environments. Remember how our home shaped us as a child? The world provides the place and the resources we need. Our response and interaction to the surroundings enable us to understand Him more and his creation. This is a very good reason why we should care the world. Maybe that’s why there’s a movement of environmental awareness. We should therefore, be responsible to the environment as it is our only source of life.