The God’s created world is a classroom, an environment that was designed for continual, lifelong learning and worship. This world teaches us that God is the creator (Job 12:7-10). It speaks of the glory of God (Rom 1:20) that our worship should be to him.
Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them.
Psalm 111:2
Isn’t that God’s creation and its wondrous that stir in us a desire to worship Him? This should allow us to focus on Him, not on the materialism itself. Therefore, be watchful so that you will not worship the created world itself.
The world also gives lesson in wisdom, God’s provision and faith (Pro 30:24-31, Mat 6:28-30). We learn from the nature and it makes us to be a better planner. The Scriptures also use observation from the material world to deliver lessons about living. We learn about God by observing how He utilizes the material world. What does your management and use of material resources communicate to others about you and God?
As God uses the material world to bless others, we should use the same resources to help and bless each other as well. After all, all things belong to Him.
Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them.
Psalm 111:2