If you happen to work in an occupation which does not tend to attract individuals of your type, you can try altering the job to fit your personality, or you can adapt to fit to it.
Altering your job
Find or create a special niche for yourself where you can use your preferences productively.
Take on tasks that are more consistent with your preferences.
Find a particular environment or a group of colleagues within your occupation that are more like you. (in professional associations, in club, or at conventions; sometimes in another department in the organization)
Adapting to your job
Work to understand or communicate with others whose preferences are different from yours in their own “language”.
Use MBTI knowledge preferences to understand exactly what is required on your job and adopt some of the behaviours when you choose to.
Find other opportunities to express your preferences.
Note: The goal is not to become another type but rather to expand your choices and the amount of control you have.
Another strategy: plowing ahead. It simply means involving a real commitment to solving problems encounter in the job, a belief in your own way of doing things and a lot of perseverance.
Except from “Introduction to Type and Careers” by Allen Hammer.
Altering your job
Find or create a special niche for yourself where you can use your preferences productively.
Take on tasks that are more consistent with your preferences.
Find a particular environment or a group of colleagues within your occupation that are more like you. (in professional associations, in club, or at conventions; sometimes in another department in the organization)
Adapting to your job
Work to understand or communicate with others whose preferences are different from yours in their own “language”.
Use MBTI knowledge preferences to understand exactly what is required on your job and adopt some of the behaviours when you choose to.
Find other opportunities to express your preferences.
Note: The goal is not to become another type but rather to expand your choices and the amount of control you have.
Another strategy: plowing ahead. It simply means involving a real commitment to solving problems encounter in the job, a belief in your own way of doing things and a lot of perseverance.
Except from “Introduction to Type and Careers” by Allen Hammer.