It's really a sneak preview. We "sneaked" inside the about-to-finish condominium we bought, after asked permission from the guard, who didn't really care the intruders like us. It was all messy and every area was under painting, patching etc. Here's the swimming pool area. Look messy right. 

Welcome to our unit. We climbed to 12th floor to get here.
Overall the unit was ok but a bit disappointed with the master bedroom. Smaller. Even smaller than my current bedroom. But it should be sufficient.
Living room.
Kitchen area.
One thing we discovered, the corridor is spacious and it does look quite exclusive for the corner units.
We also sneaked in other units, a smaller type. Found out the balcony wasn't that impressive. You can peek each other on the upper and lower floor.
It's time to get the idea flowing for the house arrangement and renovation. She said kitchen will be the most needed renovation. Agreed.