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Showing posts from November, 2007

Tranquility at the peak

While waiting for them to came down, I rose up early and snapped some shots.

The climb

From Mesilau base, we climbed up to Laban Rata. The next morning, we climbed towards the peak.

The dances of swans

Having been absent from live orchestra performance for years, I mean as an audience, last weekend I got the chance to experience the live performance. It was Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. Initially I didn't know there would be a visual performance (from the recording). So I bought the front row seats (though I didn't choose it). And they showed the video recording of Swan Lake's ballet performance. Audio with visual, that's a good pair, like watching movie. This was the first time I had orchestra music with performance (though the performance was a recording). Personally I'm a fan of Tchaikovsky. So Swan Lake suite is no stranger to me. But I've yet to listen to the full suite. I quite enjoyed the performance throughout the session. She wasn't. Because we were at the front row, so we had to lift our head to watch the recording. I wasn't paying attention to the recording though. My favourite track from the suite was Dances of the Swan (one of the numbers...

The promise of God

Just outside my house and saw the rainbow (almost disappearing). Think of Noah and God's promise.... I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Gen 9:13

Losing heart

This was a sharing from M. Shamy after researching the status of each ministry’s development and mentoring. He opened up 2 Cor 4 to us, particularly verse 2 and 16. Verse 2: Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. Verse 16: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. As in verse 8, it is made known that troubles are coming from all direction in our life, be it financial, relationship etc. We are hard pressed from every side! We feel there’s a lack of progress in the ministry. Also a diminishing value in humanity (much like thorns in the flesh). We begin to anxious, to desire etc. But from verse 18, it all depends how we see things. Of the continuum of event in our life, we may just see the front view. Yet there’s a hidden ...

For the country

Letters from Iwo Jima Flags of Our Fathers Two movies and one director. What so special about these two movies? Well, they tell the same story but from a different perspective. Personally I found it quite interesting. The first movie was in Japanese mode. All the main characters were Japanese and spoke Japanese throughout the entire movie. ....... By now, I think you can guess what's the movie all about. The second movie was in English, kind of American. All the main characters were non Japanese and of course spoke English. The story was about the war in Iwo Jima island - how the Japanese defended the island and how the American succeeded in conquering the island. While the latter elaborated the post war story, it didn't lift up the curiosity and the eagerness to pursue the storyline i.e. uninteresting. The Japanese version is probably one of the best movie I've ever watched this year. Though people condemn the Japanese for the World War II, inside them, there's courag...

Our unit (4) - What's in the kitchen?

There's only one sink in the kitchen. Nothing more. So the purchasers need to figure out how to design the kitchen. This is how it looks like. This will be our vision of kitchen. Just a sketch from mind. How much thousand will it cost?

The purpose of marriage

Lets see what is John Stott's view on the purpose of marriage..... From Genesis 1 and 2, there are t hree main purposes: 1) Be fruitful and increase in number (Gen 1:28) – procreation. 2) It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him (Gen 2:18) – the mutual society, help and comfort that the one ought to have of the other both in prosperity and adversity. 3) Intended to be that reciprocal commitment of self-giving love which finds its natural expression in sexual union, or becoming “one flesh” (Gen 2:24). Marriage exists in God’s sight when a man leaves his parents, with a view not merely to living apart from them but to “cleaving” to his wife and becoming one flesh with her. It also denotes the replacement relationship of child-parent to husband-wife. In short, the biblical definition for marriage is an exclusive heterosexual covenant between one man and one woman, ordained and sealed by God, preceded by a public leaving of parents, consummated i...

Family Matters (1)

The bible study group has completed the study on economy and finance (More Than Money) recently. I haven't been able to share the remaining chapters though. Bear with me please. Last week, we started a new topic. Well, not so new as we had done this topic half way few years ago. The topic is concerning marriage, family, parenting and community. Probably because some of us might be venturing into next stage of life, that's why we chose this topic. We started with Genesis (and everything shall start from Genesis). An account of marriage: Genesis 2:4-25 18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Since Eve (woman) was made from Adam’s bone, it is perceived that God’s intention for human couple to be a perfect design (until heaven comes). As such, issues like gay and lesbian do not exist in God’s intended design. However, men do not think it is not possible. It only looks weird, like a car traveling in reverse way...