The bible study group has completed the study on economy and finance (More Than Money) recently. I haven't been able to share the remaining chapters though. Bear with me please.
Last week, we started a new topic. Well, not so new as we had done this topic half way few years ago. The topic is concerning marriage, family, parenting and community. Probably because some of us might be venturing into next stage of life, that's why we chose this topic. We started with Genesis (and everything shall start from Genesis).
An account of marriage:
Genesis 2:4-25
Last week, we started a new topic. Well, not so new as we had done this topic half way few years ago. The topic is concerning marriage, family, parenting and community. Probably because some of us might be venturing into next stage of life, that's why we chose this topic. We started with Genesis (and everything shall start from Genesis).

An account of marriage:
Genesis 2:4-25
18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
Since Eve (woman) was made from Adam’s bone, it is perceived that God’s intention for human couple to be a perfect design (until heaven comes). As such, issues like gay and lesbian do not exist in God’s intended design. However, men do not think it is not possible. It only looks weird, like a car traveling in reverse way whereas others are traveling in forward way. The creation of Eve also gives us idea that equality exists between man and woman. However, when it comes to family, submission and headship play the role.
24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
The verse doesn’t imply that one couple must leave their parents physically. Newly wedded couple ought to honor their parents as well. The culture of leaving parents when reach adult is more prominent in western country. Thus, it is not universal or as what literally perceived from the verse. The idea is to be independent physically, emotionally and spiritually from their parents. As they are a new couple and perhaps new parents, independency should start right from the marriage. Likewise the idea of clinging one flesh is to have common goal in the couple’s new stage of life whether physically (procreation), emotionally and spiritually.
Since Eve (woman) was made from Adam’s bone, it is perceived that God’s intention for human couple to be a perfect design (until heaven comes). As such, issues like gay and lesbian do not exist in God’s intended design. However, men do not think it is not possible. It only looks weird, like a car traveling in reverse way whereas others are traveling in forward way. The creation of Eve also gives us idea that equality exists between man and woman. However, when it comes to family, submission and headship play the role.
24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
The verse doesn’t imply that one couple must leave their parents physically. Newly wedded couple ought to honor their parents as well. The culture of leaving parents when reach adult is more prominent in western country. Thus, it is not universal or as what literally perceived from the verse. The idea is to be independent physically, emotionally and spiritually from their parents. As they are a new couple and perhaps new parents, independency should start right from the marriage. Likewise the idea of clinging one flesh is to have common goal in the couple’s new stage of life whether physically (procreation), emotionally and spiritually.
Note: Photo extracted and modified from