Having been absent from live orchestra performance for years, I mean as an audience, last weekend I got the chance to experience the live performance. It was Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. Initially I didn't know there would be a visual performance (from the recording). So I bought the front row seats (though I didn't choose it). And they showed the video recording of Swan Lake's ballet performance. Audio with visual, that's a good pair, like watching movie. This was the first time I had orchestra music with performance (though the performance was a recording).

Personally I'm a fan of Tchaikovsky. So Swan Lake suite is no stranger to me. But I've yet to listen to the full suite. I quite enjoyed the performance throughout the session. She wasn't. Because we were at the front row, so we had to lift our head to watch the recording. I wasn't paying attention to the recording though.
My favourite track from the suite was Dances of the Swan (one of the numbers). The ballet was about a prince who had to declare his wife at his birthday ball (or party). He went to the forest and met a princess, like a swan (?). She was cursed by a sorcerer that she would become a swan at daylight and a woman at night. And the prince fell in love with her. At the end, loves conquer all (to cut the story short). Some of Tchaikovsky's works include Romeo and Juliet, The Nutcracker and The Sleeping Beauty. All have their ballet performance.