Many Javaneses depend on sulphur from Kawah Ijen for survival. Although there's coffee plantation at the foot hill, they choose to collect sulphur at the crater. The wage is not high and the job is quite seasonal. Perhaps it is one of the most dangerous jobs on earth. They don't wear any personal protective equipment. They have to carry the heavy load of sulphur stones from the crater mouth and up the hill and down to the foot hill. Each sulpur stone weighed at least 10kg.
From the peak, it's about 200 metres descending towards the sulphur source. As I descended quite slow, so SY and the rest descended further. Mind you, the sulphur smell is extremely strong there. Below photos were taken with compact camera at the sulphur mine.
From the peak, it's about 200 metres descending towards the sulphur source. As I descended quite slow, so SY and the rest descended further. Mind you, the sulphur smell is extremely strong there. Below photos were taken with compact camera at the sulphur mine.