Joseph had dreams - strange dreams (Gen 37:2-11). But the dream itself is a prophecy of Joseph's life. He told his dream to his brothers. Somehow they felt Joseph was being arrogant with the dream. The brothers made a plot to give him a lesson; even to the stage of killing him. Joseph was then left in a pit. The next event saw him being sold to a trader (Gen 37:23, 28).
We acknowledge that people have dream or hope. Some are maybe God's plan (might not be through dream though). If we listen to God clear enough, we will follow his path. But in case our dream or hope being shattered, let's listen to God as well.
We acknowledge that people have dream or hope. Some are maybe God's plan (might not be through dream though). If we listen to God clear enough, we will follow his path. But in case our dream or hope being shattered, let's listen to God as well.