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Losing heart

This was a sharing from M. Shamy after researching the status of each ministry’s development and mentoring. He opened up 2 Cor 4 to us, particularly verse 2 and 16.
Verse 2: Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend
ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

Verse 16: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

As in verse 8, it is made known that troubles are coming from all direction in our life, be it financial, relationship etc. We are hard pressed from every side! We feel there’s a lack of progress in the ministry. Also a diminishing value in humanity (much like thorns in the flesh). We begin to anxious, to desire etc.

But from verse 18, it all depends how we see things. Of the continuum of event in our life, we may just see the front view. Yet there’s a hidden event in work throughout the timeline.

As a guideline, Mike suggested we should take solitude and space i.e. take time to hear and reflect, read the Scriptures and more importantly support each others.


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